Monday, January 14, 2008


Jenna drinks a grape soda while she watches grandpa cook spaghetti. I was getting a few strands of spaghetti from the boiling pot with some tongs , running cold water over them, and then testing them for doneness. Jenna soon wanted the tiny samples I was getting. After a few samples, she went to the cupboard and pointed and grunted until her mother figured out she wanted a bowl. She brought the bowl over to the stove where I was standing and held it up for more spaghetti. She can't talk but she communicates very well.


dawn said...

When you're hungry, you're hungry!

lucylocket said...

She's so cute! It's hard to believe that she and Levi will soon be 2 years old. He doesn't talk much either. He doesn't have to; all he has to do is point and someone will do whatever he wants.