Monday, June 24, 2013

New Potatoes

Gracen came to see us this morning so I thought it would be a good time to dig for some potatoes.
She's a true Okie. She hates shoes, loves to be outside digging in the dirt, and loves to eat southern food.

Gracen proudly holds up a potato she just dug from
the earth.  When I first uncovered them I said, "Oh my gosh,
look at those potatoes!"  Then, every time she dug one up
she would say "Oh my dosh!

We gave the potatoes to Grandma and she cooked them for
lunch along with some chicken and dumplings and corn cakes.


1 comment:

Les said...

Wally! I just checked out your blog...It is fantastic! Good for you - More of us should be writing!