Friday, June 07, 2013

Not Eager to Resume the Routine

My mind rebels against the mundane. You would think that a person my age would settle into the comfortable routine of retirement, but since our return from our trip I'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things. You know, mowing the lawn, paying the bills.....things like that. I suppose the only way I'll ever achieve a totally spontaneous life is if I win the lottery.

Here's one routine I was looking forward to resuming.
Gracen loves Tank
During our first week back we had a pizza night.
And celebrated Kelly's birthday
We decorated the graves of family members.
We ate lunch at the Restaurant of the Cherokees.
The Principal Chief of the Cherokees, Bill Baker
and his Deputy Chief, Joe Crittenden were eating
there and the graciously agreed to pose with Dorothy's
sister, Becky.
That weekend we attended a reunion of the Whitely, Coleman,
Dunaway families on the Illinois River.
Family members took a ride on the rafts.
Katy and Jason
Kelly and his grand son Mark Kelly
Dorothy and her sisters Gin and Becky
Dorothy, Becky, Gin, Bill, and their niece Paula
Kelly visits with the Whitely, Coleman clan.

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