Thursday, April 05, 2007

phantom of the forest

I look forward each spring to seeing the dogwoods bloom. To me they're like a phantom that floats through the woods or huge lace doilies adorning the trees. The problem is I'm allergic to dogwood pollen. As soon as they arrive my eyes itch and water and my tonsils feel like I need to scratch them with a back scratcher.
I never need medicine and it's a rare thing for me to even take an aspirin, but when the dogwoods bloom I'm off to Wal-mart for some Claritin. It's hard to believe that something so beautiful can make someone so miserable. But it will all be over in another three weeks.
As a side note: A weather bulletin just came over the tv. Snow is moving into our area. We had frost this morning and will be getting it for the next two mornings. Last night I covered all my tender plants. Yet, next week I'll be planting all the rest of my garden. Only in Oklahoma.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

I'd been wondering what that beautiful bush was. Sorry it has that effect on you---I had never seen it before this trip.