Sunday, July 31, 2005
youngest photographer

quote of the day
Alan Watts - The Way of Zen
Friday, July 29, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
quote of the day
Alan Watts -- Psychotherapy East and West
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
quote of the day
Lin Yutang -- The Importance of Living
Monday, July 25, 2005
the top of my dresser
1 package of new crew socks
1 rock
1 disposable camera
1 ziplock bag of chess pieces
1 receipt for the purchase of pipe fittings
1 container of paint brush cleaner
2 eyeglass cases
1 battery charger plug in for a digital camera
1 driver's license (mine) expired 8/89
1 installation instructions for mini blinds
1 gas receipt (12/04)
4 annual leave request forms. (approved) earliest dating 9/03
4 pair shoe laces
1 zip lock bag containg miniblind screws and brackets
1 atm receipt (1/05)
1 phillips drill driver bit
2 packets Hot Hands hand warmers
1 bolo tie?
1 atm receipt (3/04)
1 stick of gum (age unknown)
1 hair cutting kit
1 vibrating massager (for my back)
1 bottle of GermX hand cleaner
1 shoe shine rag
1 portable tv antenna
1 shoe shine kit
1 wall switch cover plate
1 13mm box end wrench (I wondered where that was)
1 bottle of Purell hand cleaner
1 drill motor chuck key
3 two cent stamps
1 7mm socket
6 ball point pens
1 atm receipt (12/03)
1 military can opener ( I've had this since basic training 1966. It was for opening C-rations)
1 12.5mm telescope eye piece
17 guitar picks
1 Alto sax reed
4 pocket knives
4 .22 caliber bullets (you never know when you might find a snake in the house)
1 pr tweezers
1 key chain
25 pennies
1 dime
1 safe driving award pin (23 yrs without an accident)
1 photo of Dorothy, Me, Tara, Samantha at Sea World, San Antonio, 1993
1 set of checkers
1 cassette tape
1 index card file box containing a recipe for pizza dough and some assorted quotations which will be appearing as the quote of the day on this blog.
13 wallet size photos of the grandkids.
After compiling this inventory, I didn't know what to do with it so I put it all back on my dresser. I'll decide where to put it some other time.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
a life's calling
Thursday, July 21, 2005
quote of the day
Robert F. Kennedy - 1968
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
quote of the day
-- Henry Miller
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
back yard mowed
what i'm reading now

This is a book that attempts to answer such questions as: Which is more dangerous a swimming pool or a gun? What do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? Why do drug dealers still live with their moms? It's essentially a study of incentives; how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing.
your location?
31 days
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005

I am in awe of femaleness, especially as it's exuded by my wife, Dorothy. She defies the stereotype of the meek housewife, who stands in the shadow of her husband. Let me give you an example: The evening of the 4th of July, our house was full of adults and kids, the little ones around the TV loud with Spongebob Squarepants, teenagers at the computer, adults around the dining table, and everyone talking at once. You know, the usual cacophony of family gatherings. One of the smaller children began to choke and from the other end of the room, Dorothy was able to filter out the noise and recognize the sound of a toddler in trouble. She shot from her chair, picked up the child and with a few well placed slaps to the back, was able to dislodge whatever was choking the baby before I was even aware that something was wrong.
She went into the "She-Bear Mode". This is something that all women seem to possess than enable them to draw on deep buried strength and courage during traumatic experiences. I think Dorothy has a double dose of it. Don't ever attempt to harm my kids, grand kids, or me for that matter, because she'll put you down in a hurry.
She's beautiful, but doesn't know it. I find that rather odd.
She has the ability to taste any food in a restaurant, analyze the ingredients, then go home and make it herself. I think she's a genius at culinary skills. She and my sister bought a dilapidated old building and turned it into a successful bakery/cafe, where they not only baked sweet stuff and served breakfast, but catered wedding receptions and decorated cakes for all occasions, then sold the business for a substantial profit.
I only hope some of her honesty and integrity has rubbed off on me over the last 39 years. In fact, when I grow up I want to be like her.
Monday, July 04, 2005
I've been hoodwinked!
getting ready for the 4th
Saturday, July 02, 2005
me and the gk

Here's a picture taken just today of me with all the grandkids. I know you all think your's are wonderful, but look at these beautiful, bright, and talented kids. Can you guess who supplied the DNA for all that? On the left is Tara. Samantha is holding Marley Kate. Hunter insisted on sitting in his own chair.
quote of the day
Frederick L. Collins