Tuesday, March 17, 2009

murphy's law extreme

Murphy's law. You know how that goes. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. That's how things went during last week's training. The instructor showed up late the first day and quit the second day. The hand held computers that were issued to us didn't work. By the third day everyone's computer was working except mine. I was getting behind in the training because of the technological malfunctions. The hotel where I was staying was across the street from a rail road track. Every hour all night long freight trains barrelled through town with their whistles screaming like a banshee. Thursday morning, after struggling with the effects of sleep deprivation and frustrated with the equipment failures, I turned in my stuff and came home.


Steven said...

Yikes! Should I be worried about the validity of the information from the 2010 census? I believe so...

Dawn said...

Man, that is frustrating. Sounds like the time I manned the polls elections. 20 min of instructions was all I got to run a polling center, half the machines had sticky nobs, one was locked shut with no key... needless to say, it did not open or close on time.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! I am curious, though - did you find anything good to eat while you were there? (of course, not as good as Dorothy's, but otherwise tasty?)

- S. Davis