Monday, April 26, 2010

sometimes things have to change

 A couple of months ago Dorothy's doctor informed her that she was tottering on the precipice of diabetes. To avoid the disease it was necessary for Dorothy to take aggressive action. The doctor put her on medication and signed her up for a study course on diabetes sponsored by the Cherokee Nation. Since I'm the chief cook I did some research on the Internet on how to prepare meals that won't spike your blood sugar. So here's what we've been doing:
  • In preparing meals I've reduce the meat and starch portions (potatoes and pasta) and increased the vegetable portions and salads.
  • We've eliminated sugar from our diet
  • We walk a mile after dinner 4-5 evenings per week.
  • We eat smaller meals and have a between meal snack of fruit, nuts, or some other low carb food.
It's been two months and we've both lost 11 lbs. each.  And that is without restricting calories. Dorothy says her doctor's next step will be to urge her to reduce her calorie intake as well as  balancing the carbohydrates.

Giving up pasta was a hard thing to do, but luckily I found Dreamfields pasta on the Internet. With only 5 digestible carbs and a low glycemic index, Dorothy has been able to eat her normal serving with out substantially raising her blood sugar. That was a good find.

We took photos of each other and after about six months I'll post the before and after shots on this blog. That is, if we continue this regimen successfully.


lucylocket said...

It's good that you are having success with your regimen. I wish I could say the same for myself.

It's weird, but fruit pushes up my glucose levels faster than chocolate. Pasta is also bad for me. It puts me to sleep faster than a sleeping pill.

Unknown said...

Strawberries seem to be bad for Dorothy. Wouldn't you know it's her favorite. But she does well with the low carb pasta, and it tastes normal.

ml said...

This is great you're doing this for each other. My husband and I have had to do it, too, and after slimming down, we're a lot happier. We have a stronger bond as well, because we are helping each other age in a healthy way.
I admire your self-discipline.

Unknown said...

Hi, Mary Lee, it's good to here from you.