Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Out and about

I'm having trouble keeping my blood pressure under control these days. My doctor is doing his part in prescribing stronger doses of medicine and I'm trying to do my part by meditating,  losing weight. and getting plenty of exercise.  Usually, I walk a mile or so along the highway that runs in front of our house but yesterday, just for a change, I walked the perimeter of our ten acres. If I walked along four straight lines to form a square ten acres that would be a little more than half a mile, but I stretched it out to almost a mile by...

walking down this lane and back...

then around the north end of the pasture....

down this trail to the creek....

up the gravel bed where I found the bear scat last December...

I paused long enough to check out the swimming hole. The grand
kids will have fun here this summer.

I walked to the south end of our woods. The only sounds were birds
fluttering in the brush and the wind in the trees. To paraphrase a poem
 I once heard,  "In February when  south winds pierced my solitude,
 I found  peace on Peach Eater Creek."

Around the south end of the pasture and back to the house. Not
a bad cardiovascular workout.


Envoy-ette said...

Good for you! Walks make the legs stronger and the soul fuller. One way I get my pressure down is to cut out all sugars and most processed foods. It helps.

Carol said...

Reminds me of some places my friends and I would go for picnics near Duncan OK when were teens. We had horses and would saddle up and take off for the day on Saturdays. I remember one creek where there was a snake - maybe a moccasin or maybe just a plain long black water snake - eating a fish. We watched with morbid fascination.