Tuesday, February 27, 2007
quote of the day
--Roger DeBussy-Rabutin Histoire Amoureuse de Gaules
Sunday, February 25, 2007
there's an elephant in my garden
Thursday, February 22, 2007
another warm day

I ought to be able to grow some groceries on this plot, don't you think?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
cocker poodle
a touch of spring and a little philosophizing

Sunday, February 18, 2007
the eye of the beholder
Saturday, February 17, 2007
behind in my reading list
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i was just thinking
This is my highly organized work space.
I finally had enough of those blue screens with their ominous warnings: This program has committed the unpardonable sin and will be shut down. I bought a new computer. My monitor and printer are fairly new so I just bought the processor, keyboard, and mouse. I looked for one with Windows XP, but there were none to be found. So I now have Vista. So far so good. I've heard some negative feedback about the new system and I'm having trouble installing my printer and making it work, but I think I'll get that ironed out.
- Yesterday, Dorothy made some green chile potato soup and took it to work. Her green chile potato soup always warms the cockles of my heart* on a cold day. She brought back what wasn't eaten. Last night I made some Border Style Shrimp and we added the leftover shrimp to the soup and tonight we had a shrimp potato chowder. Yum!!
- I was reading an article about someone who had endured more than her share of tragedy in her life and it made me think that: Tragedy should come with heavy feet, like an approaching dinosaur. The ground should tremble at its approach so we can batten down the hatches; barricade the doors. Instead, it comes as a casual visitor. It doesn't even knock on the door. It steals what we love while we're looking out the window.
- The temperature hasn't climbed above freezing for the last few days. We got a dusting of snow today. 11 degrees are forecast for tonight. I left the water dripping in two bathroom faucets and in the kitchen. It might reach the 40's tomorrow afternoon. I hope winter is winding down. I plan to get the tiller ready next week and turn over some soil.
*cockles of the heart -- What are those? I don't remember seeing them in the pictures of any biology textbook I ever studied. I remember seeing aortas and ventricles but no cockles. During open heart surgery does the doctor have to clamp them to one side to make room? Just wondering.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
carpet cleaner
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
customizing your blog
Getting the Image
- Decide what image or photo you want in your banner. I always use my own photos, but there are images on the net that are in the public domain. (Don't use copyrighted images) Or you can create an image using a program like, Paint, Photoshop, etc. I use Photoshop to tailor my images to the size I want. The image file should be jpg., jpeg. or gif.
- Once you decide on the image it must be sized to fit your browser. My banner is 750 pixels wide. This fits good on my browser and it should look good on most of the browsers of the readers of your blog. Use your photo editing program to crop the picture into a horizontal strip about 750 pixels wide and about 260 pixels high. This will be about 10.4 inches wide and 3 inches high. That should be easily seen on most computer monitor screens.
- Once your banner is ready you'll need to find a website that will host your image. I use Flickr.com. As soon as you upload the picture to the site you can obtain the necessary html to copy and paste into your template.
Ok. So now you have created the image/photo you want as your banner, sized it, saved it as a jpg, jpeg, or gif, uploaded it to a hosting service, and now your ready to put it on your blog.
Getting the new banner on your blog header
These instructions are for those who have switched to the new blogger. If you still have the old template you can put a new banner up but it takes more intricate changes to the template than decribed here. If you want to customize the look of your blog it will be easier with the new version. My friends and family think I'm computer savvy, but I'm not really. I'm just good at finding out who is savvy and getting the knowledge from them. I found the following instructions on A Hoosier Family and used them to change the banner on my blog:
- Go to your dasboard and click "layout".
- Click on "Edit HTML".
- Make sure "Expand Widget" box is unchecked.
- In the edit template field scroll down to the header code. div id="header-wrapper". Under the header code you will see code that says maxwidgets. Switch the 1 to a 2.
- Nearby will be a code for showaddelement. Change the no to yes.
Now go back to Page Elements. There will now be an additional "Add Page Element" section in the header area. Click on it.
- In the Add Element section click on the HTML/Javascript.
- Open your photo hosting site. (Flickr)(in a new window)
- Copy your photo's url html and paste it into the appropriate HTML/Javascript box.
- Save changes.
Now go back to the Edit HTML tab in Layout and check that "Expand Widget" box is still unchecked.
- Scroll down the template html until you find the code that says: "Header1" locked="true" title="Title of your Blog (header)"
- Change true to false
- Save
- Click on edit in the previously existing page element (the old header) Click remove or delete.
- Save
Your blog should now have a new look.
Clarence, your banner would be changed in basically the same way. Since I don't use Typepad I'm unfamiliar with the "language" they use. Here is a url to get you started: Typepad Banner
Sunday, February 04, 2007
quote of the day
--W. Beran Wolfe
Friday, February 02, 2007
new look
But, retirement is also a new beginning, and since I'm determined to live another 30 years, the banner should probably illustrate potential, growth, and adventure. I'll let all that percolate in my head for a few days and I'll be trying out different banners. Let me know if any piques your interest.
tagged, i'm it
A. Available/single? No, I've been happily married for 40 years.
B. Best Friend? -- Dorothy has always been my best friend. Also, Ricci Davis, a guy I've known since high school would be my life long best friend and we've kept in touch over the years.
C. Cake or Pie? -- That's a hard one. I think pies will edge out cakes because I can't think of a pie I don't like, except strawberry rhubarb. But, Dorothy makes a Cranberry Ambrosia cake and a Banana Coconut cake that are superb.
D. Drink of choice? -- That first cup of coffee in the morning is sure good, but I've always loved the taste of iced tea. In the summer I make a chocolate tea ice cream that is good, and I'm working on a tea flavored icing for my grand daughters' birthday cakes this year.
E. Essential item you use every day? -- Computer. I use mine everyday to write this blog, keep in touch with the kids and friends, banking, and conduct an online business.
F. Favorite color? -- Blue
G. Gummy Bears or Worm? -- I don't like either. If I eat candy I want chocolate and peanuts in it.
H. Home town? -- Although I was born in Oklahoma and have lived here for the last 27 years, I grew up in Hermosa Beach, CA, and I'll always think of it as my home town.
I. Indulgence? -- On an intellectual level: reading, but for indulging the senses you can beat a meal at El Zarape restaurant.
J. January or February? -- I can't tell the difference, except that February does hold a promise of Spring.
K. Kids and their Names? -- 2: Rachel and Kelly
L. Life is incomplete without? -- Dorothy. She is my life partner and I wouldn't want to take another step down that road without her.
M. Marriage date? -- August 9, 1966
N. Number of siblings? -- 4 sisters, I was in the middle.
O. Dawn what happened to O? -- I'll make one up: Opossums? -- No, I don't own any.
P.Phobias/Fears? -- The older you get, the less you fear, and I'm getting pretty old.
Q.Favorite Quote? -- Never make a decision when you're discouraged.
R. Reason to smile? -- Family
S. Season? -- I like spring because it's a new beginning, tilling and planting the garden, watching the trees bloom and leaf, everything is new and shiny. But, Autumn is good, refreshing cool breezes, the year is winding down, it reminds me of retirement. I want to die on the last day of fall.
T. Tag? -- I think I'll tag Lucilocket
U. Unknown fact about me? -- If I reveal that it would no longer be unknown.
V. Vegetable you don't like? -- I don't like collard greens very well.
W. Worst habit? -- procrastination
X. X-rays? -- Xray vision, no. I've had a few pointed in my direction over the years.
Y. Your favorite food? -- I love Mexican food. Also, during the summer, a meal of cornbread and beans and all the vegetables fresh from the garden.
Z. Zodiac sign? -- Leo
Thursday, February 01, 2007
unexpected update