Tuesday, November 24, 2009

done for awhile

I finished the latest phase of the remodel project. I've been leveling the floors in the living room. now I need a few days to recuperate and let the knots dissolve from my muscles. Working with wood is very satisfying. Building things is a manly art. There's no greater sense of accomplishment than cutting all the parts to a project and putting them together to form a seamless whole. I would like to experience that before I die. You see, I'm one of those carpenters that will cut a board twice and it will still be too short. I measure and measure again and when I finish sawing and measure it again, it's wrong. Well, I'll keep trying. They say that practice makes perfect.


Rain Trueax said...

You sound like my husband, who I call Farm Boss on my blog. He can fix any engine you can imagine but when it comes to cutting wood, something he does a lot, it just seems he can't ever get it right the first try. Like a hex was put upon him to keep him humble maybe :)

dawn said...

How about some more before and after photos? I love seeing the DIY makeover pictures.

Lorna said...

you sound like the same kind of handyman my dad was, except I don't think he ever felt a sense of accomplishment. He did fall out of a tree once going to fix the roof, and he changed a half-inch left side too long door into a four inch right side too short