Dorothy has been off work since Monday due to the snow. We got up this morning and the traffic on the highway was moving along at a good pace so she decided to go in. After all, the weather man on TV said we should get a little snow today but not enough to worry about. Dorothy had been at work for a little more than an hour and the snow started falling in big flakes and quickly accumulating on the ground. She called and said she was coming home so she wouldn't get stuck in Tahlequah. I turned on the TV weather and the little trace of snow had turned into a moderate to heavy storm.

I was relieved to see Dorothy's Buick pull off the highway. Thank God for those heavy front wheel drive cars.
I had a pot of hot coffee waiting for her and we some donut holes to celebrate her safe arrival.
You just get used to it after a while, but I'd still like a pot of coffee and donut holes on arrival. Actually, we've put our car away for ecological and adventuresome reasons, and I find walking in snow to be as hazardous as learning to drive in it.
How sweet of you Dad. Mom looks pretty in her red shirt out in the snow.
Snow is really pretty but it sure can get in the way-- not to mention be dangerous in a lot of ways. I'm glad you are snug again in your home. Hopefully it will let up soon.
Our Tucson house had the pipes freeze which just doesn't happen there but it did...
what a great welcome home!
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