Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
~John Ruskin
Thursday, November 30, 2006
what i'm reading now
oklahoma!...where the wind/rain/hail/sleet/snow comes sweeping down the plain
In the last 24 hours we have been under a tornado watch, winter storm warning, flood watch, and the first blizzard warning ever issued for this part of the state. If we can't get a handle on this global warming we're going to freeze to death here in Oklahoma.
This morning we woke up to rain and since it was still above freezing, Dorothy decided to drive in to work. She called at 10:30 to tell me she was on her way home. Things were beginning to freeze and she wanted to get home while she could still manage the roads without slipping and sliding.
The roads were still clear at our house so we went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Before we checked out a sleet storm began. The sleet pellets stung my head and ears when I made a dash for the car to bring it around to the front door of the store to pick up Dorothy. We drove home through England Hollow over sleet covered roads without losing traction. Barren Fork creek was over the banks when we crossed over the bridge. This is strange weather.
This morning we woke up to rain and since it was still above freezing, Dorothy decided to drive in to work. She called at 10:30 to tell me she was on her way home. Things were beginning to freeze and she wanted to get home while she could still manage the roads without slipping and sliding.
The roads were still clear at our house so we went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Before we checked out a sleet storm began. The sleet pellets stung my head and ears when I made a dash for the car to bring it around to the front door of the store to pick up Dorothy. We drove home through England Hollow over sleet covered roads without losing traction. Barren Fork creek was over the banks when we crossed over the bridge. This is strange weather.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
only in oklahoma
Tonight we're experiencing a phenomenon that seems to be unique to Oklahoma and it environs. We're under a tornado watch and a winter storm warning at the same time. It was warm and humid this afternoon, then a thunderstorm blew in knocking out the electricity. The temperature has dropped 30 degrees in the last few hours. Soon the rain will turn to freezing rain, sleet, then snow. Travel will be almost impossible. Dorothy just started a new job this week in Tahlequah and we're hoping her employer will shut down for the bad weather and she won't have to go in. Of course, if she does go in, I'll have to drive her to work. How ironic, that after twenty one years of driving over there in winter, I'll have to drive Dorothy after I've retired.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
dreaded black friday
I told Dorothy I would accompany her on her shopping frenzy the day after Thanksgiving, but when the alarm went off at 3:00am, I didn't wake up. She woke me to tell me she was leaving. "You should have got me up", I protested, but she just kissed me good-bye and drove off into the cold Oklahoma night. I never saw her again...... until 13 hours later.
The line begins to form outside of Best Buy.
Dorothy patiently waits in line at a Target store.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
quote of the day
You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself.
-- Beryl Markham
-- Beryl Markham
Saturday, November 18, 2006
the perfect cup

I bought this cup at a yard sale for ten cents. It's the perfect cup. It's made of thick crockery, and look at the handle, it's shaped just so to balance the cup across the fulcrum of the middle finger. Whoever made this cup knows how it should feel in a person's hand. Holding it is half the pleasure of drinking my morning coffee. Dorothy thinks it's the wrong color for me. Not very masculine. It's not really pink; more of a salmon, but being the renaissance man that I am, I have no problem getting in touch with my feminine side. It's not the color or even the fact that it's made from heavy, thick crockery that I like so much. It's that it's so ergonomically satisfying.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
quote of the day
If Joan of Arc could turn the tide of an entire war before her eighteenth birthday, you can get out of bed.
--E. Jean Caroll
--E. Jean Caroll
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
- It's a blustery, rainy day. I drove to town to take some donated books to the library and to mail some books that I've sold. I stopped for gas and while I pumped it the wind drove a cold rain that made me shiver. I had to take a moment to be grateful that I no longer spend days like this exposed to the elements while completing my mail rounds. Being retired means you can go out in the rain for a little while if you want, but then you're back into your cozy, warm rabbit hole, safe and dry.
- Dorothy will be home from work soon. I'm making pinto beans, c0rnbread, and fried potatoes for lunch. That's a meal to console a wayfarer who's travelled through a storm.
- We've decided to question each other when our actions are out of character. Explanation: At Walmart the other day I noticed two packs of Prilosec among the groceries travelling down the conveyer belt to the cashier. I didn't question it. I assumed it was on sale and Dorothy was going to stock up. As she walked away from the counter she noticed she was charged twice for the stuff and questioned the cashier about it. The cashier told her there were two of them and I confirmed that I had seen two so we ended up giving one back and getting a refund. I should have spoken up when I saw something out of the ordinary. Then, Monday, Dorothy had to take a drug test for possible employment with the Cherokee Nation. As soon as we arrived at the human resources office she had to go to the bathroom. I thought to myself, 'that's odd. Why would she go now when she has to pee in a cup in a few minutes?' I asked her that when she returned from the rest room. Why didn't you mention that before I went?, she wondered. I told her I thought women could pee at the drop of a hat. But, not to worry, after a few glasses of water she was able to produce. And I've had some mental lapses of my own lately, mostly having to do with the checkbook. Or I'll be working on a project and have to go into another room for a tool and forget what tool I needed by the time I enter the other room, or I'll start doing something else and forget about the original project until hours later. So we've made a pact to put on the brakes when we notice something out of place with each other and not proceed until we're certain we are both in our right minds. We are determined to not go gently into the nursing home.
Monday, November 13, 2006
quote of the day
"What is my job on the planet?" is one question we might do well to ask ourselves over and over again. Otherwise, we may wind up doing somebody else's job and not even know it. And what's more, that somebody else might be a figment of our own imagination, and maybe a prisoner of it as well.
--Jon Kabat-Zinn
--Jon Kabat-Zinn
Friday, November 10, 2006
random thoughts
I was surprized when I noticed that I hadn't posted since last Sunday. The time is slipping away. Every day goes by so fast I hardly have time to pay attention to it. All the great philosophers tell we should seize the moment. If only I could cease the moment.
Yesterday, I was raking leaves in the front yard. The hammock looked inviting in the stark afternoon light. I haven't used it since last fall. It was a retirement gift from Dorothy. I layed down the rake and prepared to ease into it. Getting into one of those things is not like riding a bicycle, you do forget how to balance and shift your weight just so to avoid flipping out the other side.
Dorothy and I went to yard sales today. I'm trying to increase the inventory for my online book sales. She seems better able to spot those small yard sale signs at the corners of intersections than I am. I have a theory. It goes back to prehistoric times when men were hunters and women were gatherers. Men, after eons of searching the horizon for signs of migrating Mastodons and Woolly Mammoths, have lost the ability to see things right under their noses, while women have an uncanny ability to spot garage sale signs because of generation after generation of searching for roots and berries. Dorothy says that women are just smarter than men. I can think of no viable argument or evidence to contradict her assertion.
Yesterday, I was raking leaves in the front yard. The hammock looked inviting in the stark afternoon light. I haven't used it since last fall. It was a retirement gift from Dorothy. I layed down the rake and prepared to ease into it. Getting into one of those things is not like riding a bicycle, you do forget how to balance and shift your weight just so to avoid flipping out the other side.
Dorothy and I went to yard sales today. I'm trying to increase the inventory for my online book sales. She seems better able to spot those small yard sale signs at the corners of intersections than I am. I have a theory. It goes back to prehistoric times when men were hunters and women were gatherers. Men, after eons of searching the horizon for signs of migrating Mastodons and Woolly Mammoths, have lost the ability to see things right under their noses, while women have an uncanny ability to spot garage sale signs because of generation after generation of searching for roots and berries. Dorothy says that women are just smarter than men. I can think of no viable argument or evidence to contradict her assertion.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
quote of the day
I got my first full-time job, but it's weird. I could swear I was making more money in college, working for my parents as their daughter.
--Melanie Reno, comedienne
--Melanie Reno, comedienne
random thoughts
A few days ago I rolled up to the ATM and there was a woman parked at the machine. From my vantage point behind her vehicle I could see she was doing something, her shoulders barely moving and her head down. I assumed she was filling out a deposit slip. A few minutes went by and she hadn't conducted any business. After a few more minutes I was ready to start honking but I didn't want to be as rude as she was, although I was tempted to get out and ask her to move aside if she wasn't actually going to use the machine, but I thought she might be startled into dialing 911 and then I would have to explain to the local constabulary that I wasn't accosting her for the purposes of rape or robbery, I was just wanting to get some legal cash from the machine. She finally noticed me in her rear view and still took another minute to make a deposit, get cash and move on. Why do people wait until they're at the ATM before they begin to fill out deposit slips? Couldn't they do that at home? When I worked for the Postal Service, some people would drive up to the outside collection boxes and sit there writing checks for their bills, and one by one stuffing them into envelopes, stamping them, then dropping them into the box. Having a line of cars behind them with people wanting to deposit their outgoing mail didn't seem to phase them. It usually took a lot of horn honking and cursing to get them to move. Why? Were they not taught to be courteous by their parents?My generation was taught to take turns, share, and to maintain some sense of order, not that 100% of us do. What is happening?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
quote of the day
How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.
-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Reading, 1854
-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Reading, 1854
esl baby shower
runaway pumpkin

My daughter, Kelly, is the home room mom for Marley's 1st grade class. She asked if I would come to the Halloween Party and read a story to the kids. I read the story of the Runaway Pumpkin, then I cut the top off of one of the pumpkins I brought. The little ragamuffins were thrilled to reach inside and feel how slimy it was. They all took a pumpkin seed home with them.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
quote of the day
Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage. But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us -- and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along.
--Carl Sagan, The Fine Art of Baloney Detection
--Carl Sagan, The Fine Art of Baloney Detection
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