Friday, September 15, 2006

retired driver ahead

This morning at 7:30 I was on my way to Siloam Springs to pick up my grandson, Hunter. I probably shouldn't have been on the road at that time because I soon had a caravan of commuters behind me. The sun hadn't been up long and the hills were golden with it and you just can't savor the scenery if you maintain the speed limit.

We retired people are like that, we take the time to savor the scenery. One by one the commuters white knuckled it around me, their blood pressure rising with every mile they traveled. I have a theory that once they arrived at work their sense of urgency left them. They probably didn't even start working until after they had their bagel and coffee and checked their personal emails and surfed the internet for awhile. Once the workday is over Desultory Dan quickly reverts to Maniacal Marvin for the mad dash home where he plops his butt into the recliner and stays all evening with a cold beer in one hand and the remote in the other. I'm happy to be retired.

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