Sunday, June 25, 2006

interrupted haircut

Dorothy was cutting my hair last night.
Lizzie was afraid she would be next so she was trying to hide behind the sofa cushions. In the middle of the haircut I was paged out to a motor vehicle accident two miles west on the highway. I and two other volunteer fireman responded and started traffic control while we waited for the law enforcement and ambulance to arrive. The accident happened on a curve so two of us directed traffic with the use of radios keeping the highway clear using one lane. I got back after nine o'clock and sat down while Dorothy resumed the hair cut.


Lorna said...

I cut Dave's hair, but I'm not happÅ· doing it---just good at it. If he were to up and leave---even for such a good reason as being a volunteer firefighter, he,d come back to find my scissors gone, me asleep, and him half-sheared.

Dawn said...

Did anyone notice your new 'doo while you were at the accident scene?

Unknown said...

After I had been on the scene for awhile it occurred to me that I might look a little odd. I mentioned this to Dorothy when I got home and she assured me that she never allow me to respond to an emergency if I didn't look presentable.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you got your priorities straight, Wally. Was everybody OK in the acciddent. Did Lizzie get a haircut, too?

Unknown said...

The young girl driving the car had been drinking and let her right side tires go off the payment and when she steered back onto the pavement she over-corrected and slammed into an embankment on the other side of the road. She had laceration on one leg and was taken to the hospital. I don't think the injuries were life threatening. No, Lizzie didn't get her hair cut, but her time is approaching.