Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I went to the doctor today. The verdict is in. The gall bladder has to go. So next Tuesday morning I'll go to the hospital and since it's being done laparascopically I'll be home in my recliner that afternoon. It should go ok, except that I hate the thought of pointy, shiny instruments puncturing my body.
I like the nurse who will be assisting, and I told her to keep the doctor on his toes. The anesthesiologist (two big words in one post!) is a friend so I'm in good hands.


Dawn said...

Sorry you have to have surgery. Did they tell you your new diet restrictions? Dorothy is going to have to change her cooking style a wee bit. Good luck with the surgery.

lucylocket said...

Isn't modern medical technology wonderful? Even though you dread the procedure just keep repeating, "It's better than the paid; it's better than the pain."

lucylocket said...

I can't type worth a hoot. Please pardon the typo.

Envoy-ette said...

Ooo...good luck Wally! Now's the time to find a shiney bell when you want something like....popcorn while catching up on TV!

Anonymous said...

If it's not one thing, it's another. The good thing about gall bladder surgery these days is that it is relatively non-invasive compared to the 16 inch scar my own dad had way back when. I hate going under the knife, hate, hate, hate. I'll be thinking of you.

Wolfmoonlady said...


I'm sorry to hear you'll be in surgery this Tuesday.

I had my gall bladder out in 2003 and was more uncomfortable in the aftermath than they told me I'd be. That said, I did recover pretty quickly. And the scars are small. The belly button part is the hardest. I didn't want to wear jeans for a long time.

As for the 'pointy, shiny instruments' - try not to think about the gory details! Just concentrate on the bright light of love and healing surrounding you throughout.

Warmest regards, Morgan

Unknown said...

I've talked to several men who have had gall bladder surgery. I've heard some bad stories and some good. I have many people praying for me around the country and I believe that will carry me through. In fact, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of God's grace so I'll share the thought that came to me. I think the only people who never receive God's grace is the ones who swim against its tide. The ones who manage to evade that hungry hound of heaven.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't recommend the bell. Knowing Mom, at the first ring the bell wouldn't be very shiny anymore!! Kelly

Chancy said...

Wishing you successful surgery and
a smooth recovery.
